
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My First Post

Greetings and thanks for stopping by to see my 'creation.' LOL The primary reason I am starting this blog is to share some of what I consider to be some of my more interesting and entertaining stories from my past experiences. Though this is not my first, or only blog, it seems this is a good way to share such stories.

Admittedly, in many ways and for many reasons, I am not fond of 'online' and what it represents and means in many ways. Without a doubt the Internet is not what it was originally intended to be, at least by some people. To give away my age a little, I have been on the Internet since before it became the Internet - back when it was ARAPANET, the 'pure' form and purpose of the Internet, at least at it started. Undoubtedly times have changed, but change is not always good. IMHO anyway.

As some who know me, know all ready, I speak and write about many things. As such, the blog will not only be my 'stories,' but also my thoughts on any number of topics from time to time. My intent, my hope and desire is to never offend anyone, merely to enlighten and educate on a wide variety of subjects, any and all which I am more than happy to discuss and in the process, perhaps be enlightened myself. Enlightenment is something I enjoy and actively pursue for myself, often. Please feel free to enlighten me, I both encourage and welcome it!

So all that said, I hope you enjoy the stories and thoughts I share - Welcome and please feel free to let me know what you think of what you find here, but 'be nice' :) Looking forward to hearing from you!

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