
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Photograph

For years, there was a bounty on me, a special kind of bounty though, not the type that might come to mind when you hear the word. No, I wasn't wanted to jumping bond or anything like that. Perhaps it was more of a bet, or a reward, but bounty just seems to work better, at least in this case.

During this time in my life, I lead a rather secretive life in some regards, or at least felt it important to protect my identify from most. One of the ways I did so was to 'prohibit' photographs to be taken of me, save 'professional' photos for licenses and such. Imagine the clerk's amazement when I reached across the counter to retrieve the 'extra' photos that had been taken for my file with the state when I got my private investigator's license.

At the time, when one received their license, four photos were taken ~ one for the actual license ~ three for the file. When I asked why this was, the clerk told me, the photos were kept on file should an additional license need be issued at a later date, like if a license was lost. As I pushed the 'extra' photos into my jacket pocket, I told him, where an additional license ever needed, I would be glad to come back for a photo at the time. No way was I going to allow my photo to lie in a 'public' file for 'anyone' to view at their whim.

Whenever I was 'out' with friends and cameras would come out, I remained diligent to the direction they were pointing. Though there were numerous pictures taken of my back in those days, none of my face. So over time it become a bet amongst my friends who could get a picture with my face in it! For years, I remained diligent and 'camera shy' avoiding and continuing to 'prohibit' a picture be taken of me that showed my face.

This went on for several years, until one night a situation arose that was quite unavoidable and permitted my picture to be taken. It occurred while I was on stage, yes on stage, dancing in a ballet no less, in tights! One of the investigations I was on required me to gather information on a dance company – from the inside! Well the 'perfect' opportunity arose with the dance company's performance of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. For the production, a Prince Charming was required. And in steps me!

When a performer is on stage, one of the things you are taught is to remained 'closed' to the audience, in other words, never 'presenting' your crotch to to the audience for viewing! Being as 'shy' as I was, this was no problem for me and took no real conscious effort when it came time for our 'curtain call' after the performance!

Given I was on investigation at the time, the agency was on hand and it just so happened the photographer for 'association' newsletter was a member of the agency for which I worked. Of course, seeing him standing before the stage with the camera poised to take my picture there was nothing I could do but smile. Oh and smile I did, flashing my biggest and brightest toward him for the photo! A great photo I meant for it to be!

With my computer skills and aptitude, I helped out with the newsletter in getting it ready for press and distribution. It was during the following week while we were working 'that' issue of the newsletter, I viewed the photos taken during my performance. Fine looking photos they were no doubt, if I say so myself! But, there was one detail that went unnoticed, at least by me! So we went about laying out the newsletter and 'of course' the agency was quite proud of the investigation and all, we were all more than happy for the photo of me taking my 'bow' to appear on the front page! Working diligently we finished the newsletter and sent it off to the printer to be printed!

Now as a rule, I would have been going 'commando,' or in other words, no underwear. Given that I was in tights though, underwear just seemed 'necessary.' After all, I was the only male in the performance and surrounded my women, I did not want the absence of underwear to be obvious for any reason.

So the day comes and we pick up the newsletter, consisting of several 100 copies, with distribution to several locations, some of them across the country! As we sat in the office reviewing our handiwork with the newsletter before sending it out. 'Everyone' admiring the picture of me on the front page! Ah and what a lovely picture it was! With a 'big' white spot in the 'middle' of my tights! While being intent and sure I had underwear on beneath the tights, I gave no thought to the color of them! Well white does 'shine' through black tights! There on the front page of the 'national' newsletter was me with a shining smile, and a bright white spot – right in my crotch, making it next to impossible to not notice, after all there was a 'big' white patch to 'zero' in on!

Since that time, I have not bought white underwear for myself again!


  1. Kevin. Did story happened really to you? Funny. I would love to see that picture of you!

    1. LOL Sure - what you offering to see that photo? It is locked away in a safe and secure place :) Would take A LOT for it to see the light of day again :) Always willing to bargain though - be warned though, the stakes are high! LOL

    2. I think will be enough if I go to you for my vacation. Helen.

  2. I think will be enough if I will go to you for my vacation.
